Q: Tell the wine world about yourself in two sentences.
Hey there, Jaby here! I'm a budding somm and future wine educator :)
Q. Why wine?
It's the fact that I can combine so many different learning paths for me! I get to study community, agriculture, history, geography, meteorology, and so much more!
Q. Tell us about your favourite reference book?
Wine Grapes by Jancis Robinson, Julia Harding, and Dr. José Vouillamoz
Q: If you were a wine grape, what would that be, and why?
Pais! The reason being that, outside of it making some real tasty wines, it was the featured grape of the first Industry Sessions that I attended. Industry Sessions is an online community for BIPOC folks to engage with wine and spirits and each other. It was the first time I'd seen and spoken with black sommeliers. I'll never forget that feeling of kinship and hope. I hope to inspire such a feeling in others and so Pais is definitely the grape I would be!
Q. Looking into your crystal ball, what is the great change you would like to see in the wine industry?
Q: If there is one wine you can drink for the rest of time, what would it be? Feel free to be as broad or as specific about your choice.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, if you were to cut me open I'd bleed Chenin :)
Thank you Jaby for your time!