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Scholarship Selection Framework

Scholarship Selection Committee

The scholarship selection committee will be comprised of 6 individuals representing the following stakeholders: 

  • Vinequity 

  • Master Sommelier 

  • Master of Wine 

  • IWEG Board Member 

  • Diversity & Inclusion HR Expert 

  • Drinks Ontario Senior Member


Application Assessment Process: 

Evidence of Need – 30%

Merit – 30%

Capacity – 30%

Personal Statement – 10%


Applications will be assessed in two rounds:

The first round will screen applications for completion and that they meet the eligibility requirements as detailed above. 

Top 20th percentile of applications moved forward to a final selection round. Candidates will participate in a phone interview, and the committee will select winning recipients to reflect a range of programs, areas of industry and diversity. 


Successful applicants will demonstrate detailed and clear answers, specific, measurable, time bound and achievable goals, as well as demonstrate an understanding of the time investment needed to successfully complete the course they are applying to. 


Note: Both successful and unsuccessful applicants will be notified by email. 


Scholarship Disbursement Details

  • Applicants may be awarded part or all of the funding amount they request. The total amount awarded will be included with notice of the Scholarship Award. 

  • Scholarship monies may be used towards actual course fees as well as support materials related directly to the course. 

    • (A maximum of 30% of the total scholarship amount may be used towards support materials, paid upon completion of course. Documentation in the form of itemized receipts are required for reimbursement)

  • Vinequity will pay the covered portion of course fees directly to the education provider on behalf of the Scholarship recipient, upon receiving confirmation of acceptance and enrollment to the intended course of study)

  • Recipients are expected to participate in the industry event or educational program for which the scholarship is being awarded. Scholarships are not assignable or transferable.

  • The recipient of the scholarships and awards is responsible for determining whether the grant, in whole or part, is includible in gross income under the Canada Revenue Code.


  • Applicants acknowledge that information submitted in the application, including any materials (i.e. essays, letters of recommendation and transcripts) attached will be shared with Scholarship Selection committee, Vinequity personnel and others as determined necessary by Vinequity.

  • Vinequity reserves the right to add, modify or not award and scholarships in a given year based on funding, number of qualified applicants and any other factors to help Vinequity execute it’s purposes.


Scholarship Monetary Groupings by Program Type

Applicants can either select a monetary amount and corresponding program or a monetary amount to a specified training which will need to be approved by the board. 

Dollar amounts and programs are categorized together based on baseline program cost, our knowledge of auxiliary costs associated, recognition of higher level achievement in beverage alcohol education, as well as the flexibility of the program to be done while working full time.

Tier 1: $250/$500/$750

  • Regional Specialist courses

  • One-time tastings and how-to clinics

  • Introductory level courses

Tier 2: $1,000/$1,500/$2,000

  • Certification programs

Tier 3: CAPS Certified Sommelier Program

  • Donated by CAPS Ontario

  • Full payment of certification will be awarded.

  • Program details can be found here.

Tier 4: $3,000/$5,000

  • 1 year (continuous in-session school year), and multi-year education programs



Scholarship Selection Criteria

Questions and Criterion grouped into 3 Major Categories and assessed on a weighted rubric. 


Evidence of Need – 30%

  • Financial

  • Speaks to the barriers they have experienced in accessing education/employment opportunities and how this scholarship would help them overcome those barriers. 

  • Any restraints accessing intended course (e.g - course being held in their locale as a one off)


Merit – 30%

  • Demonstrated Passion

  • Exceptional Performance/Achievement (e.g competitions, fast tracked career growth)

  • Future Goals

  • Shows willingness/commitment to working in solidarity with other members of their community. 


Capacity – 30%

  • Relevant experience

  • Amount of free hours to dedicate to intended course of study (strongly weighted)

  • Applicability of intended course of study towards meeting their goals/improving their function in current job

  • Has appropriate supports or demonstrates forethought in obtaining the necessary supports to successfully complete the intended course of study. E.g tasting groups, ancillary study materials/tools


Personal Statement – 10% (Short answer)

  • Read and scored by two members of the scholarship selection committee.

Monetary Groupings
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